
Demons wif Horns



Project Description

Demons wif Horns presents a series of striking portraits that blend elements of horror with the iconic swirling style of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”. Each image is dominated by a demon figure, characterized by sharp horns and intense, piercing eyes.

The consistent use of bold colors, swirling lines and a rich, contrasting color palette brings a sense of movement and energy. These pieces might draw inspiration from classical horror imagery and are tied together by their shared nod to post-impressionist techniques.

  • Horned demon portraits with intense gazes.
  • Van Gogh's Starry Night inspired swirls.
  • Rich, contrasting colors add dramatic flair.
  • Fusion of classic horror with post-impressionist art style.

Collection Size: 120

Asteroid Range: #1331414666

Release Date: February 3, 2024

Creator: cosmos17e6cqmepnyy3fdfxvw4qkg2h9085x9rhzk292m

Marketplace Link: Coming soon.
