
#30 Nebula Dreamscapes



Project Description

Nebula Dreamscapes is a generative art collection created using HTML and computer programming. Each of the 40 pieces is generated using a method called Perlin noise, which is a way to create random, yet natural-looking patterns.

Each time someone views one of the Nebula Dreamscapes, they’ll see something different because the images are continuously changing. The innovation lies in its method.

Unlike traditional painting or sculpture, this art is created with code. Historically, computer-generated art has its roots in the mid-20th century, but this collection also draws on the visual styles of earlier art movements. The smooth blending of colors and the appearance of stars and galaxies might remind me of the abstract styles from artists like Georgia O’Keeffe and Mark Rothko.

The images are characterized by a mix of colors that change and move in a way that mimics the natural shifts seen in the night sky. The artwork’s style is a blend of abstract art and digital techniques. It’s a practical example of how algorithms and programming can lead to new forms of art that are ever-changing and unique to each viewer.

  • Computer-generated art, dynamic space-like images, Perlin noise
  • Algorithms yield unique, ever-changing creations.

Collection Size: 40

Asteroid Range: #3488 – #4156

Release Date: January 16, 2024


Marketplace Link: Coming soon.
