
#46 Void Chronicles


Project Description

Void Chronicles is a visually striking series that merges pixel art with metaphysical and esoteric themes. Each piece is dense with symbols and intricate patterns, reminiscent of 8-bit video game aesthetics from the 1980s. The images are united by a vibrant color palette, complex geometric arrangements, and a sense of deep space mysticism.

Influences may include digital artists who explore the intersection of technology and spirituality, as well as the intricate patterns and storytelling found in classic video games. This collection stands apart for its ability to blend ancient spiritual iconography with the retro digital art form, creating a contemporary alchemy of old and new visual languages.

Collection Size: 33

Asteroid Range: #8163 – #8407

Release Date: January 18, 2024

Creator: cosmos1wf9yexlqwtaqwwf6247l2mhhd9ae3zalzrw9wu

Marketplace Link: Coming soon.